The mission of the Hornell Police Department is to serve and protect the people within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Hornell, New York. This statement encompasses several duties, responsibilities and requirements of departmental members. They include, but are not limited to, the preservation of peace, enforcement of all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes and ordinances; protecting the life, property, and personal safety of all persons; and generally assisting citizens in time of urgent situations.


The level of police service is dictated by the public, and therefore, it is incumbent upon each member to gain the confidence of the public, which the department serves. It must be understood by Hornell Police Department members that the oath of office administered to each member at the time of his/her employment, is their personal commitment and dedication to duty.


The high levels of professional standards and demeanor expected from each members in his/her service deliver, will assure public confidence and satisfaction. Additionally, members will demonstrate impartial service of the law, respect and protect the rights of the public while performing their duties with pride, honesty, zeal, compassion, discretion and sound judgment. All members shall provide police service while in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the Hornell Police Department.